Speaker Presentation Library

INP 2024 Summer Meeting -- Reinvesting in Our Communities: Growth, Prosperity and Power

Avista's Programs for Community Investment and Clean Energy
Wildfire General One Page
Wildfire PSPS One Sheet
Wildfire PSPS FAQ

U.S. Small Business Administration 

USDA Rural Development

ID Dept of Commerce

ID Office of Energy and Mineral Resources

WA State Dept. of Commerce

WA Dept of Commerce Clean Energy Grant Program

Innovia Foundation Grant Program

Rural Partners for Washington Handouts
NWRISS Call for Projects
NWRISS Conference - Sept 3-4, 2024

Thriverr Handouts
INP Proposal
Thriverr Solo

CEDA/PAC Microloans

INP 2024 Winter Meeting -- Communities Happen on Main Street: Ideas into Action

Ideas into Action: Idea Friendly Method and Workshop -- Becky McCray

Filling Empty Buildings -- Becky McCray

INP 2023 Fall Meeting: Disinflation, Legacies and Experiments

The Future of Energy -- Heather Rosentrater

North Idaho: Resisting Analytic Anarchy -- Sam Wolkenhauer

Eastern Washington: Growth with Imbalances -- Dr. Grant Forsyth

Disinflation, Legacies and Experiments -- John W. Mitchell

INP 2023 Summer Meeting: Collaboration, Cooperation and the Future of Communities

13 Ways to Kill Your Community -- Doug Griffiths

Collaboration, Cooperation and the Future of Communities -- Doug Griffiths

INP 2023 Spring Meeting: Housing Strategies for the Inland Northwest

North Idaho Housing Availability and Affordability -- Dr. Steve Peterson, University of Idaho
Washington State 2022 Housing Survey Findings and Programs -- Mary Reinbold, WA State Dept. of Commerce
The Power of Public-Private Partnerships (no presentation) -- Michone Preston, Habitat for Humanity of WA
Private Market Solutions that Work -- Maggie Lyons, Panhandle Affordable Housing Alliance
Lupine Flats Case Study -- Dr. Randall Teal, University of Idaho
Proven Strategies for Solving Housing Shortages in Our Communities -- Bethany Quinn, Golden Shovel Agency
City of Spokane -- Spencer Gardner, City of Spokane
City of Post Falls -- Robert Seale, City of Post Falls
The Missing Middle Housing Sinkhole -- Brian Points, Points Consulting

Inland 2022 Economic Forecast Fall Meeting

Virtuous Circle -- Rob Curley, Spokesman Review Executive Editor

The Great Demographic Transition -- Sam Wolkenhauer, Idaho Dept. of Labor Economist

The New Inflation Environment for Households and Firms -- Dr. Grant Forsyth, Avista Corp Sr Economist

Shocks, Mistakes and Replays -- John W. Mitchell, M&H Economic Consultants Principal


INP 2022 Summer Meeting: Jump Starting Your Community's Success

Top 10 Ways to Help Your Community Be Successful (Jimi Coplen, The Rural Spark)

Rural's Rise: Shifting Trends in Rural and Urban Job Postings (Josh Wright and Adriana Druffel, Lightcast)

The Value of Just One Job (Jimi Coplen, The Rural Spark)

From Small Beginnings, Come Great Things: Stores of Success (Jimi Coplen, The Rural Spark)

INP 2022 Spring Webinar: Civic Apathy and Civic Pride

Jeff Sieger of Revitalize or Die

Webinar Recording ---> Click here

INP 2021 Fall Webinar:  2021 Regional Economic Outlook   -   A Post-Pandemic Recovery?

Sam Wolkenhauer: The Inland Northwest Labor Market-Trends, Challenges & Projections (Idaho)*
Grant Forsyth: The Inland Northwest Labor Market-Trends, Challenges & Projections (Washington)*

John Mitchell: 2021-22 Regional Economic Update-Two Months Down, Sixteen Up & The Excitement Continues*

Webinar Recording---> Click here! *
*Please note: The information included in the above presentations and recording is only representative of data
available during the week of September 13 since this data changes on a daily/weekly basis.

INP 2021 Spring Webinar:The Outdoor Recreation Economy

Megan Lawson: The Evolution of Recreation Communities: Housing , Income, Jobs & Economic Impacts
Diane Norton: Outdoor Recreation is Booming: New Trends & Strategies to Maximize Opportunities - Idaho 
Meg Winchester & Jamie Rand: Outdoor Recreation is Booming: New Trends & Strategies to Maximize Opportunities - Washington 

Webinar Recording---> Click here!

INP 2021 Winter Webinar: Retail & Restaurant Recovery

Heather Thomson - It's a Tall Order
Josh Wade -Hospitality Survival Strategies

Webinar Recording---> Click here!

INP 2020 Winter Webinar:The Importance of Digital Inclusion

Monica Babine: Setting the Stage
Russ Elliott: State Programs & Resources (WA)
Eric Forsch: State Programs & Resources (ID)
Mike Kennedy: A Provider's Perspective
Debra Hansen: Broadband Action Teams: How to Engage Your Community Utilizing the BAT Model

Broadband Action Team (BAT) Information Sheets

Webinar Recording--->Click here!

INP 2020 Fall Webinar: 2020 Regional Economic Outlook

Sam Wolkenhauer: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (ID)
Ajsa Suljik: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (WA)
John Mitchell: 2020 Regional Economic Outlook-COVID, Zooming & Resilience

Webinar Recording---> Click here!

INP 2019 Fall Meeting

Margaret Hunt: Creating a Framework to Promote Prosperity Through Arts & Culture
Margaret Hunt: Creative Districts as an Economic Driver
Karen Hanan: Rural Economic Development Through the Arts -WA
Blair Williams: Rural Economic Development Through the Arts -ID (Blair did not do a power point presentation)
Mike Bentz: Regional Best Practices-Chewelah Arts District
Mike Bentz: Chewelah Arts District 2019 Mapping
Charles Buck: Regional Best Practices - Gizmo-CDA
Luke Baumgarten: Terrain-Spokane
Margaret Hunt: Creative Placemaking-Shaping Your Community's Character Through Activities, Individuals & Spaces

Additional Information and Resources:
Rural Prosperity Through the Arts and Culture (Association of Governors Report)
The 10 Community Readiness Principles (Colorado Creative Industries)

INP 2019 Summer Meeting

Chanel Tewalt: Agriculture as an Economic Driver-Harvesting Regional Opportunities
Nicole Witham: Excellence in the Liquid Arts-Revitalizing the Regional Grain Economy for Craft Brewing & Distilling
Stephen McFadden: Leveraging Natural Resources for Economic Growth-Renewable Energy, Food Processing & the Cannabis Industry
Amy Hurlbut: Regional Best Practices-Othello Farmers Market & Community Gathering Space Project
Katie DeWinkle: Regional Best Practices- Grazing Hills Alpaca Ranch, Country Store and B & B
Director Tom Kealey: State of the States-Trends Shaping the Economies of Washington and Idaho
(Director Lisa Brown did not utilize a PowerPoint presentation in her speech)

INP 2019 Spring Meeting

Todd Woodard: Airport and Aerospace Recruitment Update
Doug Tweedy: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (WA)
Sam Wolkenhauer: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (ID)
Mike Higbee: Housing Affordability/Availability and Opportunity Zones
John Mitchell: 2019 Regional Economic Forecast-Nearing the Record & Outside the Zone

Additional Information on Opportunity Zones from Mike Higbee:
Opportunity Zones: More Detailed Information
Opportunity Zones: 10 Steps
Opportunity Zones Fund Directory

INP 2018 Fall Meeting

Tim Fry: The Presence Economy-Becoming More Present in an Era of Engagement Erosion
Bonnie Quinn-Clausen: Generational Marketing-Resource 1
Bonnie Quinn-Clausen: Generational Marketing - Nielsen Report - Resource 2
Rod Schwartz: The Role of Traditional Media in a Digital World
Josh Wade: Understanding & Utilizing Digital Marketing and Social Media
Tim Fry: The Art of Storytelling for the Presence Economy

INP 2018 Summer Meeting

Kimber Lanning-The E-Commerce Effect on Our Cities and Towns
Kimber Lanning- Buying and Supplying Locally
Molly Jones - The Evolution of Downtown Ellensburg
Colleen Rosson: The Tale of Two Cities
Allison Fisher and Dr. Joan Giese-The Pullman Retail Study
Kimber Lanning: Building Vibrant & Sustainable Economies

INP 2018 Spring Meeting

Craig Hart: Market Watch-Investing Regionally and Globally
Doug Tweedy: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (WA)
Sam Wolkenhauer: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (ID)
Cindy Fazio: Cryptocurrencies 101-Perspectives and Possibilities
Phil Sigler: Cryptocurrencies 101-Perspectives and Possibilities
Jeremy Field: SBA Re-Imagined
John Mitchell: 2018 Regional Economic Forecast

INP 2017 Fall Meeting

Everything is About to Change: Doug Griffiths
New Market Tax Credits: Rachel Golden
USDA Programs: Michelle Noordam
Idaho Community Review: Jon Barrett & Plummer Mayor Bill Weems
Rural Community Leadership Program: Gary Stewart
Rural Community Leadership Program: Video Link
UI Technology, Innovation, & Economic Development Initiative: Jeremy Tamsen
13 Ways to Kill Your Community: Doug Griffiths

INP 2017 Summer Meeting

Becky McCray: Trends Affecting Small Towns; What to do About Downtown Vacancies, Empty Lots & Roofless Buildings; Innovative Business Models & Job Creation Strategies

Regional Case Studies: Courtney Kramer-Beautiful Downtown Lewiston
Regional Case Studies: Michelle Bly, TD & H Engineering
Regional Case Studies: Kathleen Ryan, WSU and Rural Communities Design Initiatives
Regional Case Studies: Jennie Dickinson, Historic Downtown Dayton

INP 2017 Spring Meeting

Preparing for Economic Growth: The State of the States (ID) - Jake Reynolds
Preparing for Economic Growth: The State of the States (WA) - Anne Nelson
Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (Washington) - Doug Tweedy
Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (Idaho) - Sam Wolkenhauer
Regional Case Study: Lewis Clark Valley- Doug Mattoon
Regional Case Study: Liberty Lake, WA - Katy Allen
Regional Case Study: Coeur d'Alene Area EDC - Gynii Gilliam
Regional Case Study: Adams County - Stephen McFadden
2017 Regional Economic Forecast - John Mitchell
2017 Regional Economic Forecast - Grant Forsyth

INP 2016 Fall Meeting

Food Tourism 101 & The Anatomy of a Foodie: Rebecca Mackenzie
Rise of Food Tourism Report: Rebecca Mackenzie
Adventure Tourism Report: Rebecca Mackenzie
Cultivating a Culinary Culture: Dr. Steve Van Ausdle
Regional Case Studies: The Spokane Cork District and Inland NW Ale Trail

INP 2016 Summer Meeting

Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends-Washington: Ajsa Suljic
Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends-Idaho: Sam Wolkerhauer
Small Business Issues & Impacts - Erin Shannon
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action-Todd Mielke
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action-Linda Martin
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action - Jame Davis
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action-Doug Mattoon
Business is Booming: Regional Success Stories-Erik Newman, Schweitzer Engineering
Business is Booming: Regional Success Stories-Thomas Tedder, Tedder Industries

INP 2016 Spring Meeting

Alison McCaffree & Janice Fulkerson: Unexpected Economic Engines - The Impact of the Nonprofit Sector on State, Regional and Local Economies (WA)
Mark Hurtubise: Connecting & Coordinating Regional Wealth - The Important Role of Community Foundations (WA)
Dr. John Traynor: Regional Case Studies-Priority Spokane & the Hillyard Youth Collaborative
Karen Bilowith: Connecting & Coordinating Regional Wealth - The Important Role of Community Foundations (ID)
Dr. Charles Buck: Regional Case Studies -CDA 2030
John Mitchell: 2016 Regional Economic Forecast - State & National Outlook
Grant Forsyth: 2016 Regional Economic Forecast - The Inland Northwest
Resource Report: 2014 Washington Nonprofit Economic Impact Report
Resource Report: 2015 Idaho Nonprofit Economic Impact Report

INP 2015 Winter Meeting

Trabun/Ohlgren/Arnold: Fostering an Entrepreneurial Community
Marcy Allen: Economic Gardening in Action
Andrew DePaula: Really Cool Case Study #1
Sara Holden: Really Cool Case Study #2
William Jhung: Smart Succession Planning for Urban & Rural Businesses
Russ Porter: The Role of Community Banks in Small Business Financing
Casey Dilloway: Building Innovative Financial Systems for Communities

INP 2015 Fall Meeting

Mark Barbash-Changing Times: Staying Competitive in Economic Development
Mark Barbash - Handout
Jerry Miller-Community Development Resources: Tools, Tips & Techniques (ID)
Terry Lawhead - Community Development Resources: Tools, Tips & Techniques (WA)
Tony Berns - Regional Case Studies: The Benefits of Tax Increment Financing
Jamie Wyrobek - Regional Case Studies: Building a High Tech/High Rec Community
David Sims - Regional Case Studies: Special Districts, Zones & Designations
Jonathan Smith - Regional Case Studies: Capitalizing on Incentives & More to Grow Your Economy
Mark Barbash - 10 Strategies to Add Community Value

INP 2015 Summer Meeting

Steven Thorne: Why Place is the Key to Cultural Tourism and How You Can Unlock Its Treasures

INP 2015 Spring Meeting

Larry Krauter: Flying High-An Aviation and Aerospace Update from Spokane International Airport
Alex Pietsch: Expanding the Aerospace Cluster-Business Climate Strengths & Strategies
Jim Glenn: Fueling Economic Growth-Regional Aerospace Initiatives (IDAHO)
Mike Marzetta: Fueling Economic Growth-Regional Aerospace Initiatives (Washington)
Mary Stanton: Creating a World Class Aerospace Workforce (WA)
Patrick O'Halloran: Creating a World Class Aerospace Workforce (ID)
John Mitchell: 2015 Regional Economic Forecast
Grant Forsyth: The Inland Northwest Economy In-Depth

INP 2014 Winter Meeting

Roger Woodworth: The Big Picture-New Strategies in Emerging Economies
Jan Rogers: Business Recruitment, Retention & Expansion Revived-The Team Approach to Economic Development
Jonathan Smith: Business is Booming-The Economics of Affordable Power
Regional Case Studies: 2014 Hometown Awards
Kris Johnson: State of the States- Plans, Projections & Possibilities (WA)
Director Jeff Sayer: State of the States- Plans, Projections & Possibilities (ID)

INP 2014 Fall Meeting

Diane Norton: Sustainable Tourism Development-Strategies, Trends & Tips-Idaho
Cheryl Kilday: Sustainable Tourism Development-Strategie, Trends & Tips - Washington State
Jeff Colburn: Silver Mountain-Family, Recreation & Cultural Tourism
Marlon Schafer: Culinary Tourism-Odessa Octoberfest
Stephanie Sims-International Selkirk Loop
John Guarisco: Route of the Hiawatha
Eric Sawyer: The Magic of Sports Marketing
Josh Wade: Go Social - Stretching Your Marketing Budget

INP 2014 Summer Meeting

Steve Peterson: Economic Drivers - The Economic Impact of the Higher Education & Health Care Sectors
Scott Adams: The Role of Health Care in Accelerating Economic Development
Dr. J. Anthony Fernandez: Feeding the Pipeline-Educating Tomorrow's Health Care Professionals
Dr. Michael Rooney: Feeding the Pipeline-Educating Tomorrow's Health Care Professionals
Dr. Elson Floyd: Fueling Economic Growth through Strategic Health Care Partnerships (no power point)

INP 2014 Spring Meeting

Jim Sabala: Opportunities & Challenges Facing the Mining Industry
Steve Larson: Rebounding Markets-Perspectives & Projections for 2014
Neil Colwell: Legislative Updates & Economic Impacts (Idaho)
Jonathan Smith: Legislative Updates & Economic Impacts (Washington)
John Mitchell: March Madness in a Different World
Shaun Higgins: Inland Northwest Economy In Depth

Speaker Presentation Library

INP 2022 Summer Meeting: Jump Starting Your Community's Success

Top 10 Ways to Help Your Community Be Successful (Jimi Coplen, The Rural Spark)

Rural's Rise: Shifting Trends in Rural and Urban Job Postings (Josh Wright and Adriana Druffel, Lightcast)

The Value of Just One Job (Jimi Coplen, The Rural Spark)

From Small Beginnings, Come Great Things: Stores of Success (Jimi Coplen, The Rural Spark)

INP 2022 Spring Webinar: Civic Apathy and Civic Pride

Jeff Sieger of Revitalize or Die

Webinar Recording ---> Click here

INP 2021 Fall Webinar:  2021 Regional Economic Outlook   -   A Post-Pandemic Recovery?

Sam Wolkenhauer: The Inland Northwest Labor Market-Trends, Challenges & Projections (Idaho)*
Grant Forsyth: The Inland Northwest Labor Market-Trends, Challenges & Projections (Washington)*

John Mitchell: 2021-22 Regional Economic Update-Two Months Down, Sixteen Up & The Excitement Continues*

Webinar Recording---> Click here! *
*Please note: The information included in the above presentations and recording is only representative of data
available during the week of September 13 since this data changes on a daily/weekly basis.

INP 2021 Spring Webinar:The Outdoor Recreation Economy

Megan Lawson: The Evolution of Recreation Communities: Housing , Income, Jobs & Economic Impacts
Diane Norton: Outdoor Recreation is Booming: New Trends & Strategies to Maximize Opportunities - Idaho 
Meg Winchester & Jamie Rand: Outdoor Recreation is Booming: New Trends & Strategies to Maximize Opportunities - Washington 

Webinar Recording---> Click here!

INP 2021 Winter Webinar: Retail & Restaurant Recovery

Heather Thomson - It's a Tall Order
Josh Wade -Hospitality Survival Strategies

Webinar Recording---> Click here!

INP 2020 Winter Webinar:The Importance of Digital Inclusion

Monica Babine: Setting the Stage
Russ Elliott: State Programs & Resources (WA)
Eric Forsch: State Programs & Resources (ID)
Mike Kennedy: A Provider's Perspective
Debra Hansen: Broadband Action Teams: How to Engage Your Community Utilizing the BAT Model

Broadband Action Team (BAT) Information Sheets

Webinar Recording--->Click here!

INP 2020 Fall Webinar: 2020 Regional Economic Outlook

Sam Wolkenhauer: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (ID)
Ajsa Suljik: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (WA)
John Mitchell: 2020 Regional Economic Outlook-COVID, Zooming & Resilience

Webinar Recording---> Click here!

INP 2019 Fall Meeting

Margaret Hunt: Creating a Framework to Promote Prosperity Through Arts & Culture
Margaret Hunt: Creative Districts as an Economic Driver
Karen Hanan: Rural Economic Development Through the Arts -WA
Blair Williams: Rural Economic Development Through the Arts -ID (Blair did not do a power point presentation)
Mike Bentz: Regional Best Practices-Chewelah Arts District
Mike Bentz: Chewelah Arts District 2019 Mapping
Charles Buck: Regional Best Practices - Gizmo-CDA
Luke Baumgarten: Terrain-Spokane
Margaret Hunt: Creative Placemaking-Shaping Your Community's Character Through Activities, Individuals & Spaces

Additional Information and Resources:
Rural Prosperity Through the Arts and Culture (Association of Governors Report)
The 10 Community Readiness Principles (Colorado Creative Industries)

INP 2019 Summer Meeting

Chanel Tewalt: Agriculture as an Economic Driver-Harvesting Regional Opportunities
Nicole Witham: Excellence in the Liquid Arts-Revitalizing the Regional Grain Economy for Craft Brewing & Distilling
Stephen McFadden: Leveraging Natural Resources for Economic Growth-Renewable Energy, Food Processing & the Cannabis Industry
Amy Hurlbut: Regional Best Practices-Othello Farmers Market & Community Gathering Space Project
Katie DeWinkle: Regional Best Practices- Grazing Hills Alpaca Ranch, Country Store and B & B
Director Tom Kealey: State of the States-Trends Shaping the Economies of Washington and Idaho
(Director Lisa Brown did not utilize a PowerPoint presentation in her speech)

INP 2019 Spring Meeting

Todd Woodard: Airport and Aerospace Recruitment Update
Doug Tweedy: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (WA)
Sam Wolkenhauer: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (ID)
Mike Higbee: Housing Affordability/Availability and Opportunity Zones
John Mitchell: 2019 Regional Economic Forecast-Nearing the Record & Outside the Zone

Additional Information on Opportunity Zones from Mike Higbee:
Opportunity Zones: More Detailed Information
Opportunity Zones: 10 Steps
Opportunity Zones Fund Directory

INP 2018 Fall Meeting

Tim Fry: The Presence Economy-Becoming More Present in an Era of Engagement Erosion
Bonnie Quinn-Clausen: Generational Marketing-Resource 1
Bonnie Quinn-Clausen: Generational Marketing - Nielsen Report - Resource 2
Rod Schwartz: The Role of Traditional Media in a Digital World
Josh Wade: Understanding & Utilizing Digital Marketing and Social Media
Tim Fry: The Art of Storytelling for the Presence Economy

INP 2018 Summer Meeting

Kimber Lanning-The E-Commerce Effect on Our Cities and Towns
Kimber Lanning- Buying and Supplying Locally
Molly Jones - The Evolution of Downtown Ellensburg
Colleen Rosson: The Tale of Two Cities
Allison Fisher and Dr. Joan Giese-The Pullman Retail Study
Kimber Lanning: Building Vibrant & Sustainable Economies

INP 2018 Spring Meeting

Craig Hart: Market Watch-Investing Regionally and Globally
Doug Tweedy: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (WA)
Sam Wolkenhauer: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (ID)
Cindy Fazio: Cryptocurrencies 101-Perspectives and Possibilities
Phil Sigler: Cryptocurrencies 101-Perspectives and Possibilities
Jeremy Field: SBA Re-Imagined
John Mitchell: 2018 Regional Economic Forecast

INP 2017 Fall Meeting

Everything is About to Change: Doug Griffiths
New Market Tax Credits: Rachel Golden
USDA Programs: Michelle Noordam
Idaho Community Review: Jon Barrett & Plummer Mayor Bill Weems
Rural Community Leadership Program: Gary Stewart
Rural Community Leadership Program: Video Link
UI Technology, Innovation, & Economic Development Initiative: Jeremy Tamsen
13 Ways to Kill Your Community: Doug Griffiths

INP 2017 Summer Meeting

Becky McCray: Trends Affecting Small Towns; What to do About Downtown Vacancies, Empty Lots & Roofless Buildings; Innovative Business Models & Job Creation Strategies

Regional Case Studies: Courtney Kramer-Beautiful Downtown Lewiston
Regional Case Studies: Michelle Bly, TD & H Engineering
Regional Case Studies: Kathleen Ryan, WSU and Rural Communities Design Initiatives
Regional Case Studies: Jennie Dickinson, Historic Downtown Dayton

INP 2017 Spring Meeting

Preparing for Economic Growth: The State of the States (ID) - Jake Reynolds
Preparing for Economic Growth: The State of the States (WA) - Anne Nelson
Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (Washington) - Doug Tweedy
Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (Idaho) - Sam Wolkenhauer
Regional Case Study: Lewis Clark Valley- Doug Mattoon
Regional Case Study: Liberty Lake, WA - Katy Allen
Regional Case Study: Coeur d'Alene Area EDC - Gynii Gilliam
Regional Case Study: Adams County - Stephen McFadden
2017 Regional Economic Forecast - John Mitchell
2017 Regional Economic Forecast - Grant Forsyth

INP 2016 Fall Meeting

Food Tourism 101 & The Anatomy of a Foodie: Rebecca Mackenzie
Rise of Food Tourism Report: Rebecca Mackenzie
Adventure Tourism Report: Rebecca Mackenzie
Cultivating a Culinary Culture: Dr. Steve Van Ausdle
Regional Case Studies: The Spokane Cork District and Inland NW Ale Trail

INP 2016 Summer Meeting

Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends-Washington: Ajsa Suljic
Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends-Idaho: Sam Wolkerhauer
Small Business Issues & Impacts - Erin Shannon
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action-Todd Mielke
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action-Linda Martin
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action - Jame Davis
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action-Doug Mattoon
Business is Booming: Regional Success Stories-Erik Newman, Schweitzer Engineering
Business is Booming: Regional Success Stories-Thomas Tedder, Tedder Industries

INP 2016 Spring Meeting

Alison McCaffree & Janice Fulkerson: Unexpected Economic Engines - The Impact of the Nonprofit Sector on State, Regional and Local Economies (WA)
Mark Hurtubise: Connecting & Coordinating Regional Wealth - The Important Role of Community Foundations (WA)
Dr. John Traynor: Regional Case Studies-Priority Spokane & the Hillyard Youth Collaborative
Karen Bilowith: Connecting & Coordinating Regional Wealth - The Important Role of Community Foundations (ID)
Dr. Charles Buck: Regional Case Studies -CDA 2030
John Mitchell: 2016 Regional Economic Forecast - State & National Outlook
Grant Forsyth: 2016 Regional Economic Forecast - The Inland Northwest
Resource Report: 2014 Washington Nonprofit Economic Impact Report
Resource Report: 2015 Idaho Nonprofit Economic Impact Report

INP 2015 Winter Meeting

Trabun/Ohlgren/Arnold: Fostering an Entrepreneurial Community
Marcy Allen: Economic Gardening in Action
Andrew DePaula: Really Cool Case Study #1
Sara Holden: Really Cool Case Study #2
William Jhung: Smart Succession Planning for Urban & Rural Businesses
Russ Porter: The Role of Community Banks in Small Business Financing
Casey Dilloway: Building Innovative Financial Systems for Communities

INP 2015 Fall Meeting

Mark Barbash-Changing Times: Staying Competitive in Economic Development
Mark Barbash - Handout
Jerry Miller-Community Development Resources: Tools, Tips & Techniques (ID)
Terry Lawhead - Community Development Resources: Tools, Tips & Techniques (WA)
Tony Berns - Regional Case Studies: The Benefits of Tax Increment Financing
Jamie Wyrobek - Regional Case Studies: Building a High Tech/High Rec Community
David Sims - Regional Case Studies: Special Districts, Zones & Designations
Jonathan Smith - Regional Case Studies: Capitalizing on Incentives & More to Grow Your Economy
Mark Barbash - 10 Strategies to Add Community Value

INP 2015 Summer Meeting

Steven Thorne: Why Place is the Key to Cultural Tourism and How You Can Unlock Its Treasures

INP 2015 Spring Meeting

Larry Krauter: Flying High-An Aviation and Aerospace Update from Spokane International Airport
Alex Pietsch: Expanding the Aerospace Cluster-Business Climate Strengths & Strategies
Jim Glenn: Fueling Economic Growth-Regional Aerospace Initiatives (IDAHO)
Mike Marzetta: Fueling Economic Growth-Regional Aerospace Initiatives (Washington)
Mary Stanton: Creating a World Class Aerospace Workforce (WA)
Patrick O'Halloran: Creating a World Class Aerospace Workforce (ID)
John Mitchell: 2015 Regional Economic Forecast
Grant Forsyth: The Inland Northwest Economy In-Depth

INP 2014 Winter Meeting

Roger Woodworth: The Big Picture-New Strategies in Emerging Economies
Jan Rogers: Business Recruitment, Retention & Expansion Revived-The Team Approach to Economic Development
Jonathan Smith: Business is Booming-The Economics of Affordable Power
Regional Case Studies: 2014 Hometown Awards
Kris Johnson: State of the States- Plans, Projections & Possibilities (WA)
Director Jeff Sayer: State of the States- Plans, Projections & Possibilities (ID)

INP 2014 Fall Meeting

Diane Norton: Sustainable Tourism Development-Strategies, Trends & Tips-Idaho
Cheryl Kilday: Sustainable Tourism Development-Strategie, Trends & Tips - Washington State
Jeff Colburn: Silver Mountain-Family, Recreation & Cultural Tourism
Marlon Schafer: Culinary Tourism-Odessa Octoberfest
Stephanie Sims-International Selkirk Loop
John Guarisco: Route of the Hiawatha
Eric Sawyer: The Magic of Sports Marketing
Josh Wade: Go Social - Stretching Your Marketing Budget

INP 2014 Summer Meeting

Steve Peterson: Economic Drivers - The Economic Impact of the Higher Education & Health Care Sectors
Scott Adams: The Role of Health Care in Accelerating Economic Development
Dr. J. Anthony Fernandez: Feeding the Pipeline-Educating Tomorrow's Health Care Professionals
Dr. Michael Rooney: Feeding the Pipeline-Educating Tomorrow's Health Care Professionals
Dr. Elson Floyd: Fueling Economic Growth through Strategic Health Care Partnerships (no power point)

INP 2014 Spring Meeting

Jim Sabala: Opportunities & Challenges Facing the Mining Industry
Steve Larson: Rebounding Markets-Perspectives & Projections for 2014
Neil Colwell: Legislative Updates & Economic Impacts (Idaho)
Jonathan Smith: Legislative Updates & Economic Impacts (Washington)
John Mitchell: March Madness in a Different World
Shaun Higgins: Inland Northwest Economy In Depth

Speaker Presentation Library

INP 2019 Spring Meeting

Todd Woodard: Airport and Aerospace Recruitment Update
Doug Tweedy: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (WA)
Sam Wolkenhauer: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (ID)
Mike Higbee: Housing Affordability/Availability and Opportunity Zones
John Mitchell: 2019 Regional Economic Forecast-Nearing the Record & Outside the Zone

Additional Information on Opportunity Zones from Mike Higbee:
Opportunity Zones: More Detailed Information
Opportunity Zones: 10 Steps                                                                                                                                              Opportunity Zones Fund Directory
Opportunity Zones Fund Directory

INP 2018 Fall Meeting

Tim Fry: The Presence Economy-Becoming More Present in an Era of Engagement Erosion
Bonnie Quinn-Clausen: Generational Marketing-Resource 1
Bonnie Quinn-Clausen: Generational Marketing - Nielsen Report - Resource 2
Rod Schwartz: The Role of Traditional Media in a Digital World
Josh Wade: Understanding & Utilizing Digital Marketing and Social Media
Tim Fry: The Art of Storytelling for the Presence Economy

INP 2018 Summer Meeting

Kimber Lanning-The E-Commerce Effect on Our Cities and Towns
Kimber Lanning- Buying and Supplying Locally
Molly Jones - The Evolution of Downtown Ellensburg
Colleen Rosson: The Tale of Two Cities
Allison Fisher and Dr. Joan Giese-The Pullman Retail Study
Kimber Lanning: Building Vibrant & Sustainable Economies

INP 2018 Spring Meeting

Craig Hart: Market Watch-Investing Regionally and Globally
Doug Tweedy: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (WA)
Sam Wolkenhauer: Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (ID)
Cindy Fazio: Cryptocurrencies 101-Perspectives and Possibilities
Phil Sigler: Cryptocurrencies 101-Perspectives and Possibilities
Jeremy Field: SBA Re-Imagined
John Mitchell: 2018 Regional Economic Forecast

INP 2017 Fall Meeting

Everything is About to Change: Doug Griffiths
New Market Tax Credits: Rachel Golden
USDA Programs: Michelle Noordam
Idaho Community Review: Jon Barrett & Plummer Mayor Bill Weems
Rural Community Leadership Program: Gary Stewart
Rural Community Leadership Program: Video Link
UI Technology, Innovation, & Economic Development Initiative: Jeremy Tamsen
13 Ways to Kill Your Community: Doug Griffiths

INP 2017 Summer Meeting

Becky McCray: Trends Affecting Small Towns; What to do About Downtown Vacancies, Empty Lots & Roofless Buildings; Innovative Business Models & Job Creation Strategies

Regional Case Studies: Courtney Kramer-Beautiful Downtown Lewiston
Regional Case Studies: Michelle Bly, TD & H Engineering
Regional Case Studies: Kathleen Ryan, WSU and Rural Communities Design Initiatives
Regional Case Studies: Jennie Dickinson, Historic Downtown Dayton

INP 2017 Spring Meeting

Preparing for Economic Growth: The State of the States (ID) - Jake Reynolds
Preparing for Economic Growth: The State of the States (WA) - Anne Nelson
Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (Washington) - Doug Tweedy
Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends (Idaho) - Sam Wolkenhauer
Regional Case Study: Lewis Clark Valley- Doug Mattoon
Regional Case Study: Liberty Lake, WA - Katy Allen
Regional Case Study: Coeur d'Alene Area EDC - Gynii Gilliam
Regional Case Study: Adams County - Stephen McFadden
2017 Regional Economic Forecast - John Mitchell
2017 Regional Economic Forecast - Grant Forsyth

INP 2016 Fall Meeting

Food Tourism 101 & The Anatomy of a Foodie: Rebecca Mackenzie
Rise of Food Tourism Report: Rebecca Mackenzie
Adventure Tourism Report: Rebecca Mackenzie
Cultivating a Culinary Culture: Dr. Steve Van Ausdle
Regional Case Studies: The Spokane Cork District and Inland NW Ale Trail

INP 2016 Summer Meeting

Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends-Washington: Ajsa Suljic
Inland Northwest Labor Market Trends-Idaho: Sam Wolkerhauer
Small Business Issues & Impacts - Erin Shannon
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action-Todd Mielke
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action-Linda Martin
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action - Jame Davis
Strategies to Succeed: Job Growth in Action-Doug Mattoon
Business is Booming: Regional Success Stories-Erik Newman, Schweitzer Engineering
Business is Booming: Regional Success Stories-Thomas Tedder, Tedder Industries

INP 2016 Spring Meeting

Alison McCaffree & Janice Fulkerson: Unexpected Economic Engines - The Impact of the Nonprofit Sector on State, Regional and Local Economies (WA)
Mark Hurtubise: Connecting & Coordinating Regional Wealth - The Important Role of Community Foundations (WA)
Dr. John Traynor: Regional Case Studies-Priority Spokane & the Hillyard Youth Collaborative
Karen Bilowith: Connecting & Coordinating Regional Wealth - The Important Role of Community Foundations (ID)
Dr. Charles Buck: Regional Case Studies -CDA 2030
John Mitchell: 2016 Regional Economic Forecast - State & National Outlook
Grant Forsyth: 2016 Regional Economic Forecast - The Inland Northwest
Resource Report: 2014 Washington Nonprofit Economic Impact Report
Resource Report: 2015 Idaho Nonprofit Economic Impact Report

INP 2015 Winter Meeting

Trabun/Ohlgren/Arnold: Fostering an Entrepreneurial Community
Marcy Allen: Economic Gardening in Action
Andrew DePaula: Really Cool Case Study #1
Sara Holden: Really Cool Case Study #2
William Jhung: Smart Succession Planning for Urban & Rural Businesses
Russ Porter: The Role of Community Banks in Small Business Financing
Casey Dilloway: Building Innovative Financial Systems for Communities

INP 2015 Fall Meeting

Mark Barbash-Changing Times: Staying Competitive in Economic Development
Mark Barbash - Handout
Jerry Miller-Community Development Resources: Tools, Tips & Techniques (ID)
Terry Lawhead - Community Development Resources: Tools, Tips & Techniques (WA)
Tony Berns - Regional Case Studies: The Benefits of Tax Increment Financing
Jamie Wyrobek - Regional Case Studies: Building a High Tech/High Rec Community
David Sims - Regional Case Studies: Special Districts, Zones & Designations
Jonathan Smith - Regional Case Studies: Capitalizing on Incentives & More to Grow Your Economy
Mark Barbash - 10 Strategies to Add Community Value

INP 2015 Summer Meeting

Steven Thorne: Why Place is the Key to Cultural Tourism and How You Can Unlock Its Treasures

INP 2015 Spring Meeting

Larry Krauter: Flying High-An Aviation and Aerospace Update from Spokane International Airport
Alex Pietsch: Expanding the Aerospace Cluster-Business Climate Strengths & Strategies
Jim Glenn: Fueling Economic Growth-Regional Aerospace Initiatives (IDAHO)
Mike Marzetta: Fueling Economic Growth-Regional Aerospace Initiatives (Washington)
Mary Stanton: Creating a World Class Aerospace Workforce (WA)
Patrick O'Halloran: Creating a World Class Aerospace Workforce (ID)
John Mitchell: 2015 Regional Economic Forecast
Grant Forsyth: The Inland Northwest Economy In-Depth

INP 2014 Winter Meeting

Roger Woodworth: The Big Picture-New Strategies in Emerging Economies
Jan Rogers: Business Recruitment, Retention & Expansion Revived-The Team Approach to Economic Development
Jonathan Smith: Business is Booming-The Economics of Affordable Power
Regional Case Studies: 2014 Hometown Awards
Kris Johnson: State of the States- Plans, Projections & Possibilities (WA)
Director Jeff Sayer: State of the States- Plans, Projections & Possibilities (ID)

INP 2014 Fall Meeting

Diane Norton: Sustainable Tourism Development-Strategies, Trends & Tips-Idaho
Cheryl Kilday: Sustainable Tourism Development-Strategie, Trends & Tips - Washington State
Jeff Colburn: Silver Mountain-Family, Recreation & Cultural Tourism
Marlon Schafer: Culinary Tourism-Odessa Octoberfest
Stephanie Sims-International Selkirk Loop
John Guarisco: Route of the Hiawatha
Eric Sawyer: The Magic of Sports Marketing
Josh Wade: Go Social - Stretching Your Marketing Budget

INP 2014 Summer Meeting

Steve Peterson: Economic Drivers - The Economic Impact of the Higher Education & Health Care Sectors
Scott Adams: The Role of Health Care in Accelerating Economic Development
Dr. J. Anthony Fernandez: Feeding the Pipeline-Educating Tomorrow's Health Care Professionals
Dr. Michael Rooney: Feeding the Pipeline-Educating Tomorrow's Health Care Professionals
Dr. Elson Floyd: Fueling Economic Growth through Strategic Health Care Partnerships (no power point)

INP 2014 Spring Meeting

Jim Sabala: Opportunities & Challenges Facing the Mining Industry
Steve Larson: Rebounding Markets-Perspectives & Projections for 2014
Neil Colwell: Legislative Updates & Economic Impacts (Idaho)
Jonathan Smith: Legislative Updates & Economic Impacts (Washington)
John Mitchell: March Madness in a Different World
Shaun Higgins: Inland Northwest Economy In Depth